Step 2: Say YES to Jesus’ Perspective on Happiness

Say YES to Jesus’ perspective on happiness


Now when Jesus saw the crowds. He went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him and he began to teach them.

He said…

Happy are the poor in spirit,

for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Happy are those who mourn

for they will be comforted.

Happy are the meek

for they will inherit the earth.

Matthew 5:1-5

Brief Observation

As the disciples gathered by Jesus on the mountainside, he shared his belief on where true happiness is found. The beatitudes each start with the Greek word makaroi which can be translated as “blessed, fortunate or happy.” 

In America we are familiar with the phrase “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” and we have a company that boasts being “the happiest place on earth.” Our culture would likely say something different like,

“Happy are those who have a lot” or

“Happy are those who have nothing to cry about” or

“Happy are those who are in control.”

But true happiness is not found in possessions, experiences or positions. According to Jesus you can gain the whole world and forfeit your soul (Matt 16:26). In the beatitudes, Jesus reveals that true happiness is less of a feeling and more of a state of mind and heart that is given by God. It is the gift of God’s presence and God’s peace in our life no matter what grades we get, what job we do, how many friends we have or how much stuff we own.

When we say YES to Jesus, we submit to following Him, not happiness. If we chase happiness, we will come up empty. But if we chase Jesus, He will share His happiness with us. It may look absurd to the world, but it’s the kind of happiness that endures forever.

Prayer: Jesus, wherever you are is the happiest place on earth. Transform my perspective on what it means to be happy and blessed. Help me discover true happiness in You. And may my life share Your happiness with others.

Daily scripture 

This week, take time to ponder Jesus’ words on true happiness. Put the beatitudes in your heart and mind.

Monday: Matthew 5:1-4

Tuesday: Matthew 5:5-6

Wednesday: Matthew 5:7-8

Thursday: Matthew 5:9-10

Friday: Matthew 5:11-12


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